Westie to Eastie Goosebumps and vice versa

Perspective is a funny thing.

Today I visited my childhood town. I revisited time,place and memory. I passed the old hairdressing school that was on my go straight to school and come straight home route.

The staircase brick-red different from every perspective. It’s shape from the sidewalk a triangle.  from the top it’s view a kind of pyramid.

At 7am,the hair school was closed. My  school open. I walk in my jumper plaid maroon. When no one was looking I detoured from my familiar sidewalk cracked.

I climbed up the staircase red-brick steps  8, remained on the landing for a moment looked all around, then  descended on the other side of staircase red-brick steps 8.

From others perspective it was for no seemingly outward reason,

At 3pm, a sea of plaid maroon spills out the double doors, blood-like, the dismissal bell signals me that is time to return home.

I do everything in reverse ,I climb up the staircase brick red steps times 8.

I stand on the landing plaid maroon style, ignoring goosebumps that don’t end at  Bobby socks

A place to land between worlds before descending staircase brick red steps 8 .

then  descend on the other side of staircase red-brick steps 8

At 7am , I leave deaf world for  hearing.

At 3pm, I leave hearing world for deaf.

between stairs that go up and down and entrances 2

that landing was my place just for a second







Plaid is a unique book, Painstakingly written in large artistic style that defies categorization. It is first and foremost a startling and riveting memoir written by a hearing child of deaf parents. A story that introduces the reader to the deaf world and to the differences between the deaf world and hearing world, illustrated through Pia’s life experiences. It demonstrates how each culture views the other and how perceptions on both sides influence interaction and outcome. After enduring years of neglect, control, and abuse, Pia emerges a triumphant woman, her unbroken spirit a testament to her intelligence, imagination, and survival instincts. It offers an inside view of how children are groomed for abuse ,why they suffer in silence, how families, neighbors, medical professionals, teachers, clergy, and the justice system fail to protect children, and how societal avoidance and inaction end up sanctioning child abuse, particularly within families. Plaid is a moving plea for collective growth and change, and an inspiring story of an exceptionally tenacious and resilient child every reader will want others to know.


Today is the day.

Today is the day I became a published author. It feels scary and exhilarating at the same time.  A day of exposing my rawness as I shed my heavy cloak of secrecy. Today is a day of becoming.

Plaid Paperback – May 12, 2016

available on http://www.Amazon.com

by Pia Moorland (Author)


Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is often a day of mixed emotion for me. I think about my mother today as my book Plaid undergoes it’s final preparations before publishing. Today I took photographs of artwork that will be part of my yet unfinished ”strategic”marketing plan. I think about my childhood as I create. As a child, I stayed awake for long periods of time in my bed. I made shapes from the beams of light that shone on the wall from torn window shades.
Pantyhose People began then. I fold this memory into my art along with the memory of paper dolls once given to me on Christmas.

I’d like to spend more time here on the patio in Savannah but practical things like work call me. This depicts just about how I feel right now.


a watchful eye

I recently volunteered to help someone clean out the house of their mother who had passed away after a 3 month (unbeknownst to them)bout with cancer. With the physical work done, my friend wandered about the empty house doing emotional work.With a lot of time on my hands I got out my always handy camera. 10 siblings are to “share and share alike”according to her will.For the most part they are with the exception of a cookie jar. IMG_7675I like to think their mother is watching over them and hoping for a peaceful division of her possessions.
<a href="https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/abstract/">Abstract</a